A holistic massage is a massage that targets all of your problem areas in one session. Not only the massaging of sore and repairing muscles but also, engages your olfactory senses, and realigning your chi, if need be.
During a holistic massage, incense can be burned to cleanse and purify the atmosphere and, to relax your mind and body. One of the main reasons for burning incense is to create positive energy within a space. As a society, fail to realize that our personal space, just like our minds & bodies, must also be cleansed.
Importance of Burning Incense
- Prevents infections
- Encourages the release of endorphins which combats feelings of sadness
- Stimulates creativity
- Increases libido/sex drive
Things to remember when coming in for a holistic massage:
1. Take a shower and or a bath with warm water. Warm water is very calming and with get those muscles ready for the holistic massage.
2. Wear comfortable clothing. You are coming in for a holistic massage. The last thing you need, is to be made uncomfortable by clothes.
2. Wear comfortable clothing. You are coming in for a holistic massage. The last thing you need, is to be made uncomfortable by clothes.
3. Switch your digital devices off or put them on silence. As an ever-evolving society, we are addicted to social media and our gadgets alike; this gets in the way of interpersonal relationships.
4.Read a few pages of a romance novel. It doesn’t have to be a full chapter. Just a few pages to relax your mind. Take your time.
Here at ANAMI, we are one of the best in the business. Don’t forget to browse our massage packages. Share this wonderful massage with a loved one or come on your own. We will make it worth your while.
A holistic massage is tailor-made to suit your needs and desires. That is why you have come to ANAMI, London. Contact us for more information.